art ~ mary platz hughes
For some there is a silence in the heave & the hoh—
They Grin and find their way back to ground—
For some this is a lost river horizon
Beans and beets in the valley of the Lamb—
A man with one flask of wine,
One flask of whiskey,
And one flask of dirt…
All three together are their own planet,
Their own history
Down from hard frost
And up through orange glow of afternoon
To the blue glow of fathoms
Comin over the earth…

scarecrow lady ~ joan of art
And even if no stars
And even if no moon
Just insects,
Just earth kickin night sounds
Into the ears of tired dreams—
The heave & the hoh
Of tired dreams
The blues and blood night of beets
And river bottoms,
The lamb
The heave & the hoh…
The lamb
Those beet bone blues…
~ Ben Gulyas