A UNIVERSE OF WHAT I am invisible But I am rain. The color of rain Invents the air And I am trembling In the language here In white wings. In here, a heart Enormous in its Own universe of what?…
Category Archives: Current Issue
Summer 2018
I feel your twilight sky mind in mine. It is a dark but radiant shade of blue. I am still waiting for the stars to fade in as if they were always there – although they themselves have been, for…
Winter Spring 2018
Wake in dark Look for light Stumble to start Steven B. Smith hedge fun the atmosphere grainy rife with warmth like old-time photographs outside the window a sparrow pops her head out from a manicured hedge Marc Mannheimer Landerhaven In…
Autumn 2017
An Echo In Her Past She goes to the doctor and gets more tests than she can remember. However, she does remember she forgot to ask him about her hips. She smiles, says, “I hate to ask him about my…
Spring 2017
Gullible’s travels Out in the middle of the garlic fields Boutiques had sprung up filled with Things nobody could afford to buy I swear there was never a harbor Here when I was a child The hotels were empty and…
Winter 2016/17
how to give a voice in another’s voice? a wolf voice a coyote voice a river voice a hedgehog voice. how to give a song to the coyote song the red wolf song the curlew song. how to give a…
Autumn 2016
He’s got two tools from two contingencies just one flathead and just one phillips he’s got a hex key a hammer and a jelly jar of miscellaneous nails Broom’s by the catbox Hermit who married Me, I’d have a gingham…
2015 Autumn Equinox Issue
Status Report 65 by Smith, Merlin’s Cave – Geraldine Green Cleveland Edgewater by Smith, Mercurial View of Autumn by Terry Provost Photo by cm brooks, prayer by wendy shaffer You Saw Me Standing Alone by PM Pope, Poems Talking by…
2015 Summer Issue
The Sun Rises Before it Sets by PM Pope and Tarot by Heather Ann Schmidt Salton Sea by KE Burr Comb 1 and Yen by Smith Dandelions by Amy Roskilly and Safe to Say by Bree St. Francis by Denise…
2014 Summer Issue
Handbow ~ Steven B. Smith; EARTH – Lady Rooms to let – Chiplis / Smith; Cleveland born – Thomas / Seeing – Smith From To See a World – Kristen Tenzek; Beauty is Everywhere – Vidrick; The Waterthrush – Swain;…